The Ancient Modern Natural Diet
Open Daily | 9 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Supero Dog Farm
An ancient modern natural diet that will delight your furbabies
RAW feeding
Cleaner teeth and
fresher breathe
Improved digestion
Reduction of allergy
Harder, smaller &
Less smelly stools
Better weight control
More energy
and stamina
Over all healthier dog
Better reproductive
Is it SAFE for dogs and cats?
YES, SUPERO is 100% safe natural premium raw meal for both cats & dogs. It has NO preservatives or any chemical additives in its composition.
How about BACTERIA & other microorganisms?
Dogs & cats have different digestive system than humans. Their digestive functions are designed to have highly acidic levels that certainly eliminates microbes.
Is it just for LARGE BREED DOGS?
NO, SUPERO is for ALL breeds whether small or large breeds. It can be for dogs and cats as well.
How to order and when is the delivery schedule?
You may place your order via our facebook page @ SUPERO BGC TAGUIG or contact us at +63917-170-17-16
How do you feed raw for dogs & cats?
Our suggested feeding amount is 3%-4% maximum of the current bodyweight of your dog.
Our suggested feeding amount is 2%-3% maximum of the current bodyweight of your cat.
How many times do I feed
raw to my furbabies?
For Puppies,
At least 2-3x a day.
For Adult dogs,
Only 1-2x a day.
For Kittens,
At least 2-3 a day
For Adult Cats,
Only 1-2 a day
How do I know the production date & expiration date of Supero?
Unopened pack (FREEZER) = 1 year
Opened pack (FREEZER)= 7 days
Opened pack (CHILLER)= 4 days
Supero Protein Products
⭐ Supero Mix Php135
90% Beef & 10% Chicken
⭐ Supero Pure Beef Php145
100% Beef
⭐ Supero Pure Pork Php145
100% Pork
⭐ Supero Bully Sensitive Php175
100% Beef lean meat, veal choice cuts
⭐Supero RABEEF Php180
80% Rabbit meat, 20% Beef meat
⭐Supero Cat Sensitive Diet Php170
80% Rabbit meat, 20% Beef meat
Supero Treats
⭐ Supero Chew Bone Php 220 (1pc)
Raw beef bone with marrow
⭐ Supero Beef Trachea Jerky Php200
Trachea jerkies
⭐️ Supero Pork Liver Bites Php85